Friday, August 12, 2011

Classroom Set-Up... Day 2

I am very impressed with my progress!  I think I get quicker every year!!  I managed to clean-up ALL of my randomness in the back of my room.  You don't know how happy this makes me!!!!  I also worked on hanging things on the walls and adding details.  I'm still waiting for green bulletin board paper to come in... I don't know if I can wait so I might have to buy my own.

Here's my progress after Day 2:
I don't think this looks very different from yesterday's picture.  I added zebra border on that little black board up there and unveiled my Promethean Board.  My rocking chair is in the middle of an overhaul.  It's been sanded, but still needs to be primed and painted.

I cleaned up the shelf under the word wall and labeled the baskets.  Those will be my math tubs.  I'm debating hanging fabric in front of the white shelf to cover the randomness of boxes on it.  In the very front of the room is my desk area.  I hung my hanging file organizer on the back side of my ugly filing cabinet.  The kids will make their lunch choices on the front of my desk.

Math Tubs-- I need to put pretty contact paper on the shelves!

My group meeting area.  (Half the board will be calendar, the other half will be white board.)  Under the board are my touch math numbers.

Look at that CLEAN back area!!  Woohoo!  I am so excited to have gotten everything put away!  I'm making a palm tree like Deanna Jump's... I think I'll put it at the end of the counter (by that rounded end).

Tonight I'm working on letters for my boards, making more labels, and laminating... so, my goals for Day 3 are to work on some more boards and finish labeling things.

*My camera battery died as I was trying to capture today's successes.  I will take close-ups of areas on another day.

--Mrs. Pollard


  1. I love your round tables! Looks like you made a ton of progress!
    Funky First Grade Fun

  2. I love your touch math numbers under your board. I am a big fan of touch math!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Your room is looking fantastic!! Thanks for sharing!! The math tubs are too cute!!

    I am having my first giveaway if you want to check it out!!

    Miss J@smilescrayonsandendlessstories

  5. Love it. Where did you get the cute colored folders and folder hanger that you hang on the back of your filing cabinet?
