Friday, March 25, 2011

Chair Pockets... the key to table organization

During my first year of teaching I had the joy of 23 little student desks in my classroom... rows always moving and getting crooked, little hands constantly inside of their desks touching things, random papers exploding from the inside of the desk.  Ugh!  At the beginning of my second year, I had the opportunity to trade in my desks for tables.  (Of course, there was some bartering involved with this transaction.  Desireable furniture doesn't come easy around here.)  Tables have turned out to be one of my best decisions.  Last year, however, I had no organization for the student's materials.  This year, my co-worker (from Teach it with Class) and I were set on coming up with an organization solution.  We put together a supply caddy for the middle of the table and taught ourselves to use a sewing machine to make chair pockets.

These caddies did not come easy!  We searched high and low for the perfect caddy and containers.  We actually found the yellow basket at Walmart in the automotive department.  Then, we found some cute ribbon to weave and hot glue around the top.  The small rectangular containers were also very hard to find.  I ended up finding them at Target (Up & Up brand).  These hold each student's crayons.  The lids have an address label with their name on it.  The green cups are hot glued into the basket and hold their pencils.  I suppose you could also put other materials in there like scissors, glue sticks, or highlighters.

These chair pockets were so simple to make!  I've never used a sewing machine before and was able to make a whole class set.  The hardest part was finding fabric that was affordable.  You need about a yard for each chair pocket, I think.  Each table has a different color chair pocket so I call them by colors to line up or move around the room.  The chair pockets hold their work folder and reading book.  They are very easy to wash... just be sure there are no hidden treasures inside!


  1. Just found your blog! Love the table caddy's. I'd turn in my desks for tables any day.

  2. I found a link to make chair pockets out of old pillow can have the kids bring them in so there is no cost to you!

  3. Do you have a pattern or the directions for these chair pouches?? I just got my first teaching job last Monday... 3 days before school started. I have a 'start from scratch' and don't have much storage room, I'd love these for their take-home folders. Love your website, I will be following it OFTEN!

  4. I got the pattern from On the left side of the site click "teaching planning". Her website is great for lots of things!

  5. I love your blog! I came here via Pinterest to see the Blender blends. I would love to make the chair pouches. Do you have the instructions in a PDF format?
    I wasn't able to download from hellofirstgrade.
    Thank you so much for sharing your ideas and hard work. You are greatly appreciated!!!

  6. I was planning on switching to caddies instead of pencil boxes with my kiddos next school year. I like the idea of labeling the crayon boxes and glueing the cups down.

    I'm your newest follower.
    ❤Dragonflies in First ❤

  7. cute IDEA! Chair pockets can be so expensive
    I am your newest follower! I just started a blog myself.
    Fancy Free in Fourth
